Select Crop Name

Recommended Pest Control for Apple

Product Name Pest/Desease/Weed Name AI Formulation Diluted in Water Waiting Period
Phorate 10% CGWooly Aphids10- 15/plant100-150gm/plant
Propineb 70% WPScab0.21% or 210 g/100 Lt. water0.30% or 300 gram/ 100 Lt. waterAs required depending upon size of the tree and plant protection equipment used30
Propargite 57% ECEuropean Red Mites2.85-5.7/tree5-10 ml/tree10 lit/tree9
Spiromesifen 22.9% SCRed Spider Mites72(0.03%)300100030
Chlorpyrifos 20% ECAphids0.05%3750-50001500-2000