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Recommended Pest Control for Pomegranate

Product Name Pest/Desease/Weed Name AI Formulation Diluted in Water Waiting Period
Quinalphos 25% ECScale0.08%4800-6400500-1000
Propineb 70% WPLeaf Rot0.21% or 210 g/100 Lt. water0.30% or 300 gram/ 100 Lt. waterAs required depending upon size of the tree and plant protection equipment used10
Difenoconazole 25% ECFruit Rot0.025% or 25g/100ltr. water0.1% or 100 ml/100 lit. water.5007
Propineb 70% WPFruit Rot0.21% or 210 g/100 Lt. water0.30% or 300 gram/ 100 Lt. waterAs required depending upon size of the tree and plant protection equipment used10
Cyantraniliprole 10.26% ODWhite Fly90 (0.009%)900 (0.09%)