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Recommended Pest Control for Cauliflower

Product Name Pest/Desease/Weed Name AI Formulation Diluted in Water Waiting Period
Mancozeb 75% WPCollar Rot2.25 gm3 gm1 Lt-
Dimethoate 30% ECAphids200660500-1000
Fenvalerate 20% ECJassids60-75300-375600-7507
Trichoderma Viride 1% WPSclerotina Sclerotiorum4 gm /kg seedSeed treatment: Make a thin paste of required quantity of Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP with minimum volume of water and coat the seeds uniformly, shade dry the seeds just before sowing-
Quinalphos 25% ECStem Borer5002000500-1000