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Recommended Pest Control for Tomato

Product Name Pest/Desease/Weed Name AI Formulation Diluted in Water Waiting Period
Pseudomonas Fluorescens 1.0% WPRoot Rot10gm/litres of waterSeedling Root Dip Treatment:- Mix 10 gm of Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP in one litre of water and dip the Tomatoseedling root rot for minutes.NIL
Azoxystrobin 23% SCEarly Blight125 gm500 ml5003
Pseudomonas Fluorescens 0.5% WPWilt10 gm/kg of seedsSeed treatment Mix required quantity of the seeds with the required quantity of Pseudomonas fluorescens0.5% WP and ensure uniform coating, shade dry and sowNil
Captan 50% WPLate Blight1250 gm2.5 kg750-1000-
Carbaryl 50% WPFruit Borer10002000500-10008